Woman Loses $204K in Bitcoin ATM Scam.

Woman Loses  $204K in Bitcoin ATM Scam.
Woman Loses $204K in Bitcoin ATM Scam.

A woman named Sue fell victim to a recent crypto scam, losing over $204,000. The fraudulent scheme began with a pop-up message on her laptop, masquerading as a security alert. Urged with false immediacy, the message prompted her to call a provided phone number, ultimately leading her into the clutches of the scammer.

Upon contacting the number, Sue was manipulated by the scammer, who falsely claimed that $14,500 was in jeopardy of being stolen from her account. To safeguard her funds, she was coerced into withdrawing the money and depositing it into a Bitcoin machine.

Sue shared her experience, saying, “He said somebody’s trying to take $14,500 out of your account, but he said we’ve got to secure the rest of your money. So, he had me go down, withdraw the money, $14,500, and put it in a Bitcoin machine. So that’s what I did.”

Over a span of 13 days, Sue unknowingly made multiple deposits into Bitcoin ATMs at various convenience stores, convinced that she was safeguarding her assets.

Despite attempts by her friends to intervene, Sue declined, explaining that the scammer had predicted such interference, warning her not to listen and claiming that all her devices were hacked.

Experts emphasize the manipulative nature of crypto scammers, targeting victims with the allure of significant sums and guiding them to make substantial deposits into Bitcoin ATMs. Retired IRS special agent Brian Watcon underscores the deceptive simplicity of these transactions, as victims are given QR codes and falsely believe they retain control over their funds throughout the process.

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Watcon urges the public to exercise caution, advising against immediate reactions to such alerts, which can result in financial losses. Instead, he recommends verifying security concerns by directly contacting financial institutions through their official channels. This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of skepticism and seeking second opinions when confronted with financial threats.

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