What are the signs of depression?

Everyday we interact with people who might be depressed. It is hard to tell if someone is struggling with depression, but there are some signs that can help us identify the person who may need help.

Answer: Signs

-Irritable, sad or apathetic mood. Low energy increases the risk of depression by 10%.

-Negative attitude towards self and others where there is a lack of enjoyment in all activities and interest in life.

-Weight loss with increase in appetite, often accompanied by weight gain due to increased eating of fatty foods (most commonly seen as having a combination of hunger for food and aversion to many types). The feeling may be better than starvation but it’s still stressful on your body.

-Exertion causes more fatigue than would be expected so you are less productive at work or school which can make a person feel like they’re spinning their wheels.


Most people with depression will have 5 or more of these symptoms for a period lasting at least 2 weeks.

1. Depressed mood/sadness nearly every day and loss of interest in things that used to be enjoyed; cheerful social interactions with friends, exercise, TV shows etc often take on the appearance of an effortless struggle against unhappiness.

2. Significant weight gain/loss (5% or more over 3 months)

3. Lack of energy/lethargy

4. Difficulty concentrating

5. Long periods (sometimes hours) spent crying without knowing why

6. Inability to sleep soundly

7. Thoughts about death, suicide

8. Hopelessness

9. Anxiety

10. Bruxism- teeth grinding

11. Decreased appetite


To the best of our knowledge, there are no signs or tests for depression. There’s a physical exam and blood work that can be done to rule any other medical conditions out.

For people who don’t have symptoms of an illness, it might be more important to think about their moods. Everybody is sad sometimes—that doesn’t mean a person has depression. Here are some questions you can ask yourself, as well as some ideas and exercises that might help with emotional wellbeing:

What kind of mood am I in?

Am I having trouble finding reasons to do things that I usually enjoy?

Is my sleep interrupted?

Have I lost interest in enjoyable activities like going out with friends or taking care of myself?


Signs of depression include low energy, lack of focus and interest in the world around us.

It can be difficult to detect because it may often come disguised as sadness or feelings of emptiness.

One early sign that many people don’t want to talk about is reduced sleep quality- less than seven hours a night for adults under 50, and less than eight hours a night for those over 50.

Getting plenty of exercise everyday will also help beat depression, especially going outside without your cell phone and taking your workout to nature!

Next time you see someone who looks like they’re starting to show some signs, try finding out if they’ve considered getting some decent nutritional support either from eating healthful foods or from taking a great supplement.


Dark mood; Lack of interest in activities you’ve found meaningful; Changes in sleep patterns, including insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping more); Loss of appetite and weight loss -or- a reduced ability to eat or experience enjoyment from food; Fatigue and lack of energy; Low self-esteem and feelings that life is not worth living.


The three most common problems are the following:

1. Lack of motivation

2. Feeling overly sad or guilty for no reason

3. Vague physical complaints, such as little appetite and difficulty sleeping People living with depression may also complain about restless sleep, not feeling rested in the morning after a full night’s sleep, and abnormal fatigue during the day even when they’re getting enough rest at night (chronic fatigue). What sets depression apart from other disorders is that it usually will be noticed by someone who is close to you due to changes in your behavior and mood—you feel more irritable or grumpy than usual; you’re more tearful or anxious than before; you’ve lost interest in things that used to make them happy.


There are four primary symptoms of depression, including sadness, problems with sleeping and eating, isolation/withdrawal from others and a loss of interest in hobbies. At first we may think these symptoms are due to another cause or that someone is just “having a bad day.” But after two weeks with no improvement, many people will discover they have clinical depression. The good news is there’s treatment available for the millions who suffer from this condition each year.

There are multiple levels of depression severity – mild to moderate cases being the most common form; severe cases less common but more severely debilitating. Treatment depends on several factors: severity and patient preference for example brief therapy vs. intensive outpatient therapy vs 2-4 month residential stay.


The two primary symptoms of depression are low mood and low appetite. Depression is not the same as feeling sad for a little while, or even really sad for several days; depression is more like having the blues 24/7. This prolonged sadness most likely signals an ongoing medical condition, such as mild clinical depression, which can be mistakenly mistaken for grief.

Depression is usually diagnosed using a clinical interview and physical exam called a complete mental health assessment. Clinical interviews often include questions about thoughts and feelings—and also lifestyles such as level of confidence and happiness with how things are going in life overall—in order to assess whether there might be any other explanations to explain why someone might feel that way all the time.


Answering this question would require a much more tailored answer. For example, if you were discussing different signs of depression for people living in poverty versus those living in abject poverty the difference could be vast.

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However, everyone struggles with depression at some point in their lives and there are many steps one can take to assist with managing it or even getting rid of it completely. The primary contributors to depression is inflammation, an imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids (omega 3s help prevent/reduce inflammation), heavy metals such as mercury toxicity, hypoxia (low oxygen levels), and lack of sleep. Many treatments involve addressing these contributing factors to improve mental health outcomes clinically significant levels like mild-moderate depression.


The best medicine for depression is to exercise, meditate, socialize a lot and be surrounded by people you love and who love you.

Exercise: One of the simplest things people can do to help manage their mental health is exercise. It fills us with endorphins- “feel-good” chemicals that can make us more upbeat and stable. Exercise also releases natural human growth hormones, which may help lift our moods as well since they tend to make us feel happier overall.
The point of exercise for improving mental health isn’t just that it’s healthy in general; it’s that there are specific ways in which it helps improve our moods or how we’re feeling about ourselves.

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Depression can affect anyone, which is why it is important for everyone to be vigilant to the signs and symptoms of this disease. However, there are a few warning signs that may indicate you or someone close to you may be depressed.

-Negative self-talk, such as “I’m worthless” or “I don’t deserve positive things in life.”

-Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.

-Significant weight gain or weight loss without reason. They have no appetite and/or will not eat at all due to lack of desire for food and cooking.

-Inability to sleep through the night consistently despite being exhausted all day long.


Sometimes there are no symptoms to a person’s depression. If there are, they can be physical and emotional. Fatigue is one of the most common signs someone may be dealing with depression or even another medical issue that shares these same symptoms. Oftentimes we just need sleep or time outside of our current situation to get back on solid ground again emotionally. Another symptom includes feeling overwhelmed by emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, frustration among others which lead to either difficulty concentrating or making decisions in everyday life.

Although many experience relief from their stress after crying; for some people this does not help at all and they end up feeling worse afterward due to feelings of emptiness more than anything else. Others say talking about their problems with someone who is closer to them really help them to get relief while this doesn’t help some people.


Depression is not always the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. It may be manifested physically as an allergic reaction to unhealthy emotional patterns or toxic relationships.

Like many illnesses, once depression has taken hold the sufferer may not know they are ill and will need help. What are the signs of depression? Lots of people have symptoms such as fatigue, sadness, disturbed sleeping patterns etc., but that doesn’t mean everyone with these symptoms is depressed. The important thing is to take your own story; assess how serious it’s getting for you and what level of distress you’re experiencing.


Depression is a disorder that can make life tough. You may feel fatigued, restless, grouchy, sad, or guilty. You might have trouble concentrating or remembering things. It’s very common to overeat when we’re down and out; unfortunately, there’s not much nutrition in an ice cream cone! We call depression an “uninvited guest” because it just shows up unannounced at times in our lives and doesn’t always depart quietly.

Depression signals the brain to release a hormone called cortisol which makes stress levels go up. There are different ways to get rid of depression which include taking antidepressants or cognitive therapy with restorative sleep . Talk with your doctor if you continue feeling depressed after trying these two options for a while.


Signs of depression could include:
low energy and feeling tired all the time;
concentration problems that cause trouble at work or school (specifically when tasks require mental focus);
lack of interest in normal things–friends, work, activities you used to enjoy;
neglecting basic needs like personal hygiene and sleep; substance abuse. More signs may include unhealthy eating habits.
You can check out a list of more specific symptoms here. If you think something is wrong with someone do not hesitate to get help! Help is available everywhere from your family doctor to community organizations. Remember it is better safe than sorry!


When somebody is in a depressive state, they tend to lose their motivation for life. Depression claims over 300 million people worldwide and about 460 million cases every year.

Most of the early warning signs are behavioral so it’s best just to look out for long-standing changes; anger, sadness and agitation may be indicators that depression has been present or has recurred.
Changes in behavior which can include: isolation from family and friends, difficulties making decisions, lack of energy, or obsessive focus on negative aspects of life such as work troubles or money worries.
It also pays attention to indications related to eating habits such as overeating (or picking at food), sudden weight gain or loss (more than five pounds).

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Often people can feel unhappy or sad with no specific reason. For the most part, this feeling is short-lived and typically does not result in any other negative symptoms. However when these feelings persist they may be classified as a depressive disorder.
People who have depression will experience many physical symptoms that may vary by severity but are often the same for everyone with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. These symptoms include significant weight loss or gain, change in appetite, fatigue/sleep changes, agitation or slowness, decreased libido and digestive issues. Other possible symptoms are difficulty focusing on even regular routines, thoughts about self-harm/suicide ideations and multiple periods of sobbing episodes throughout the day despite being reasonably happy otherwise.


Depression can produce a wide range of different emotions that include feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and hopelessness. In general, the symptoms are typically stored as deficits that contribute to a decreased quality of life. Symptoms may be mild or severe and in 2011 per CDC, depression is the leading cause for illness in the U.S., affecting 1 in 10 Americans from age 18-54 years old.

If you’re feeling sad or irritable more often than usual, If you’ve found yourself withdrawing from hobbies to either feel less driven by pressure or with no drive at all Similarly if your energy has been reduced. Your sleeping pattern may have changed such as staying awake later than normal despite feeling tired throughout the day because you might not be feeling depressed too.


People who are depressed might experience some or all of these symptoms. Depression can cause physical and emotional problems, such as trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, feelings of hopelessness or guilt, restless sleep or restlessness during the day, feeling slowed down or overactive without knowing why; lack of interest in things that used to be pleasurable; withdrawing from friends and family; difficulty paying attention (especially in school).


-Reduced appetite and loss of weight.

-Sleep disturbances, including sleeping too much or not being able to sleep at all.

-Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood that may also include feelings of hopelessness or guilt.

-Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt.

-Recurrent thoughts about death or suicide, a suicide attempt, or acting on suicidal thoughts without warning signs of how seriously they might take their life.

-“Restless leg syndrome”—difficulty maintaining stillness for more than a few seconds at a time—and polyphasia (which occurs when an individual has two related but contradictory impulses to move). There is often no clear trigger for this symptom;


1. Physical Changes – people with depression often have changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, sex drive, and appetite. Physically expressed symptoms like headaches and stomach aches are also common.

2. Psychological Changes – depressed people feel sad or empty most of the time without much joy at other times as well, experience little interest in activities that were previously enjoyed (less energy for play), often having difficulty concentrating (and sometimes remembering things). Lack of motivation is a hallmark of depression; even when depressed folks do manage to get motivated to do something difficult it may be more rarely and only after considerable effort exerted (“I can’t make myself do anything”.)

3. Thoughts about self – suicidal thoughts are really not uncommon during periods of depression.

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Signs of depression can include the following:

-Mood swings and low levels of emotional range; this includes the feeling that one has little to no interest in anything.

-Low energy, including lethargy and weakness -Excessive feelings of guilt or worthlessness; believing that one is unfit to live a worthwhile life.

-Extreme social detachment, for example not caring about contacting friends or family members, or avoiding meeting new people.

-Loss of libido, often coupled with a lack os sexual thoughts (or thoughts pertaining only to aspects liminal to sex), or extreme sexual disorders such as anorgasmia.

Direct sign: A sign most associated with depression is sadness. Depression usually leads a person feel sad


Symptoms of depression can vary from person to person. However, the risk of developing depression are often based on a person’s life experiences (e.g., trauma), genetics, family history and lifestyle (e.g., chronic stress). In fact, there is no single symptom that always signals the presence of depression, but symptoms usually include changes in sleep patterns or appetite and withdrawal from social activities.

If you’re feeling low for weeks or months at a time and your mood won’t go back up to what it used to be then it could be a sign that you’re depressed. If this feeling continues for 10 days or more then please speak with someone about it as soon as possible because this can become an issue without treatment.


Depression manifests itself in a number of ways, including feeling sad, hopeless, apathetic, and suicidal.
Symptoms may change over time as the individual gets older. Young children can have externalizing symptoms that are more overt like aggression or lack of interest in activities they usually enjoy while adolescents and adults may have internalizing symptoms which look different but are also contributed to by reduced activity levels at home and work.
Signs include learning impairment, problems with sleep (too little or too much), excessive tearfulness (sometimes coupled with irritability), poor concentration and feelings of guilt or worthlessness that don’t go away after days or weeks.
The health risks associated with depression are well known: attempted suicide is the third leading cause of depression.


There is no standard set of signs for depression. Depression can affect anyone, and its symptoms can vary from person to person. At a minimum some many have as few as one of the below-mentioned symptoms and other individuals may experience all of them. Signs that are more specific to depression include feelings of worthlessness, self-loathing, guilt, hopelessness; irritability or restlessness; sleep disturbance; appetite changes; slowed thinking and concentration; pain without a medical cause (e.g., headaches); lack of energy or motivation everyday tasks such as getting out bed in the morning and going to work often feel too daunting or even impossible for people who are depressed .
Often times there is an underlying cause which requires care

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Symptoms of depression can be difficult to recognize, but these are some tell-tale signs to look for.

Individuals with depression may have low self-esteem and poor body image. They may also struggle with an inflated sense of responsibility, feelings of worthlessness, and recurrent thoughts about suicide or death. The feelings associated with depression usually permeate every area of life including work and relationships; the individual may feel overwhelmed easily by daily hassles and problems that would normally roll off another person’s back. Similarly, it is common for depressed people to display hypersensitivity in any one or more senses – they often withdraw from pleasurable activities; they become irritable and impatient with others; they lose interest in sex.


Signs of depression can sometimes be hard to recognize simply because they mirror feeling tired, distracted, or uninterested in things that would usually interest the person. Depression can show up as a lack of pleasure and enjoyment in activities a person used to enjoy (especially sex) or the sense that they routinely need more sleep than usual. Other signs include appetite changes (eating too much or not eating enough), frustration and anger amplified by circumstances that wouldn’t typically cause this reaction, or just plain old sadness for no apparent reason. If someone has lost some interest in life, it could mean they have depression.

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Signs of depression can include the following (though it’s important to note that many of these signs could belong to other mental illnesses as well): loss of interest in activities, and changes in sleep patterns, weight/appetite change, fatigue which is often worse than usual “morning” tiredness. Life may seem like a chore with no meaning or joy. Family and friends may tell you that you’re not acting like your usual self. It’s normal for people who are depressed to withdraw from loved ones and social events. Job performance often suffers as well. Depression can cause a negative feedback loop where the less activity, further withdrawal from society, results in even more symptoms/symptoms worsen faster when this occurs). Lengthy


Some of the symptoms of depression include losing interest in hobbies or activities that you once enjoyed, changes in weight and sleep patterns, feelings of hopelessness or guilt, anger outbursts and thoughts about death. Many people will experience sadness for periods of time- but there’s a big difference between feeling down because someone died and suffering from depression. The latter is more clinical and requires professional attention. But knowing the signs can help save a life!


The DSM-IV defines a major depressive episode as any period of persistent depressed mood or loss of interest in almost all activities for at least two weeks and which can be observed by others.

• Sadness, emptiness, frustration
• Smaller appetite for food and sex
• Weight gain/loss or other physical symptoms
• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
• Changes in sleep patterns (insomnia)
• Lack of energy and feelings of fatigue. These factors are combined to form a clinical diagnosis. The patient goes through a list assessing how many times they have experienced each symptom on an average day. If the patient scores above eleven on this checklist (or meets other requirements).


Generally, if someone wants to chat about their thoughts and feelings with their friends or family members they often feel less anxious and more hopeful. If someone is feeling down but doesn’t want to talk about it, or have others involved in it (perhaps they’re dealing with depression) it means that person is probably feeling like trying out new ways of coping isn’t the best idea, some people might be embarrassed or just not want to burden others. There are a lot of different symptoms for depression- everything from a lack of energy when getting out of bed (they may even sleep later than normal), every day tasks becoming more difficult than before (light chores can take hours) which causes an increased level of frustration and anger towards themselves for being.


Signs of depression include things like feeling hopeless and having no interest in activities that used to be enjoyable. A person might feel worthless, helpless, or guilty. They might also have changes in appetite or weight, difficulty sleeping or being able to sleep too much. A person may have thoughts about hurting themselves and they may be more likely get sick more often than other people who aren’t depressed.

Depression is a serious medical illness that can have an impact on your life in many different ways. If you think you may be suffering from depression, it’s important to talk about it with someone and get help as soon as possible. Take the time today to ask yourself these questions and learn what might be causing your feelings of sadness or hopelessness so that we can take steps together to improve how you feel–and maybe even save your life.