Inibehe Effiong Biography: Age, Wikipedia, Parents, Siblings, Family, State of Origin, Tribe, Instagram, Phone Number, Religion

Meet Inibehe Effiong, a renowned Nigerian human rights activist and lawyer hailing from Akwa Ibom State. Widely known as the “Enemy of Oppressors,” Effiong has dedicated his career to fighting corruption and injustice in Nigeria. Let’s delve into his inspiring journey from early life to becoming a prominent figure in the realm of human rights.

Inibehe Effiong  Early Life and Education:

In 2014, Effiong earned his LLB from the University of Uyo in Akwa Ibom State, actively engaging in student unionism. Notably, he crafted a new Constitution for the Law Students Association during his time in the student parliament. He also founded the Movement for the Rights of Nigerian Students (NSRM) and successfully competed for his university at the national level.

Effiong’s leadership skills shone through when he secured the presidency of the Law Students Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN) at the University of Uyo in 2012. However, an unjust act by the university administration stripped him of his authority, leading him to resign from various roles on moral grounds.

Inibehe Effiong  Career and Achievements:

On October 20, 2015, Inibehe Effiong was called to the Nigerian Bar as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. He graduated from the Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus, and served as the President of the Student Representatives Council (SRC).

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Effiong has built a reputation as a radical activist, social crusader, author, pundit, and critic. His writings on Nigeria’s challenges have been widely published in major newspapers and online news outlets, including those in his native Akwa Ibom state. He is a member of organizations such as the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO) and the Coalition of Human Rights Defenders, earning several honors for his contributions to justice and humanity.

Inibehe Effiong  Net Worth:

While Inibehe Effiong’s net worth is not officially estimated, his commitment to human rights and social causes reflects his dedication beyond financial gains.

Inibehe Effiong  Social Media Presence:

Stay connected with Inibehe Effiong on Instagram (@inibeheeffiong) and Twitter (@inibeheEffiong) to follow his impactful work and stay updated on his latest endeavors.


Inibehe Effiong’s story is one of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. His unwavering commitment to human rights and justice has earned him recognition and respect in Nigeria. As an influential figure, Effiong continues to make a significant impact in the fight against oppression and corruption.

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