How To Start Onion Farming Business In Nigeria

The Nigerian economy is dependent on agriculture. The country’s major crops are groundnuts, sorghum, millet and cowpeas. These crops represent about 40% of the value of agricultural production in Nigeria.

Nigeria has one of the largest onion industries in Africa with over 4 million metric tons produced annually. As a result, it can be challenging for new farmers to enter this market because there is already a high level of competition from established producers who have been farming onions for years and know how to grow them efficiently and profitably.

Before starting an onion farm business in Nigeria, you need to consider that most farms require an upfront investment before they will generate any income or profits so make sure your financial situation allows you to cover all the initial expenses for an onion farm.

You also need to be aware of the risks associated in Nigeria because there is always a chance that crop-damaging pests and diseases could affect your harvest.

For example, farmers growing onions might want to protect their crops from infestations by using pesticides such as cyantraniliprole and methamidophos. These products are chemical pesticides that have been approved by the Nigerian Ministry of Agriculture for onion farming in Nigeria.

In order to ensure your onions grow healthy and strong, you need to take certain steps when starting an onion farm business in Nigeria. First, analyze the current market conditions so you can properly price your onions when you go to sell them and create a profit. You also need to determine the appropriate time to plant your onion seeds so you can harvest them at their freshest, most delicious peak.

Another important consideration is how your onions will be transported from the where they are sold. This process requires an understanding of various shipping options available as there may be bad roads or other problems that can prevent the onions from reaching their destination.

It is also important to find out where you are planning to sell your onions and which factors might help you reach potential customers in these areas. For example, you should contact local supermarkets, shops and vendors to determine who might want to buy your product.

You can also try to sell your onions to companies that produce processed foods or local fast-food restaurants. It is particularly important to find out if there are laws governing the onion industry in Nigeria because they could affect how you sell them and price them.

You should consider starting an onion farm business by growing a variety of different onions instead of just one type. You will then ensure a steady income stream no matter what happens to a particular onion variety.

Since you do not know which varieties will sell well when starting an onion farm business in Nigeria, it is important to plant at least 10 different types of onions so that any price variations can be fully compensated for.

When starting an onion farm business in Nigeria, you should ensure all of your farming practices meet the international standards for food safety and quality. This will help attract customers who know their onions are fresh from a safe growing area.

In order to succeed when starting an onion farm business in Nigeria, it is crucial that you coordinate with other farmers so they can provide you with the seedlings you need.

You can also get help from agricultural experts by asking them to evaluate your farm techniques, equipment and crop yield. With expert guidance and proper planning, you will have a successful onion business in Nigeria that can bring revenue into the local economy while helping you achieve your personal goals for success.

Things Needed For Onion Farming Business In Nigeria

ONION is the most widely used spice in Nigeria. It’s rich flavor makes it a go-to choice for many Nigerian dishes such as soup, stew, omelettes, fritters and salads.

The good thing about this is that ONIONS are very easy to grow and can be harvested within one month. If you have just made up your mind to start this business, read on.

There are some things you need before you decide to grow Onions for commercial purposes in Nigeria such as:

Area of land or garden space: Since onions don’t take a lot of space, any wide and open area will do the job. If it is an empty plot of land, you don’t need to spend so much. But if it is a garden space, or an area that already has plants growing in it, then you will have to negotiate with the owner before working on the onions.

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You can also use a part of your backyard for this business. However do not forget to clear all weeds from around the selected place.

One trowel, hoe and hand fork: These tools are used for weeding. You will use the trowel to remove weeds without damaging the onions. The hoe is used to break up soil so that it can be loosened for the onion seeds before covering them with soil again.

A seed box: This is a tray or box in which onion seeds are planted. A seedling tray: This is used to carry out the process of growing the onions from sprouting to maturity. It keeps moisture in and prevents water from getting away.

Onion seeds: These should be bought from reliable dealers. Onions seeds must come with instructions.

Steps For Onion Farming Business

Week 1: Clear the land where you want to plant on and till it up; plough, harrow or dig small holes in the ground; fill them with decomposed manure (cow dung) and leave it to mature for about two weeks.

Week 2: Plant your onion bulbs. Make sure they are planted five centimeters apart and two or three centimeters deep, then cover them with earth or ash.

Week 3: Water the land three times a week, ensuring that the soil is moist but not flooded and ‘cowpat gravelly’ throughout. Be careful to avoid water entering your bulbs which will rot them and if you have too much rain, move them to an area where they will be sheltered. (If there are any tiny bulblets on your bulbs, pluck them out as soon as you spot them or they will spoil the flavour of the bulbs).

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Week 4: When the plants have grown large and strong enough to support themselves they can be cut back to a length of five centimeters. About two weeks later, plant yoghurt into the beds before replanting them.

Week 5: When the plants start to flower, remove them but be careful not to damage the bulbs as this will cause rot.

Week 6: Continue watering your beds until about ten days before harvesting time and then drain off all excess water so that you don’t lose any quality from your crop. (Never allow dirty water to fall on the bulbs).

Week 7: When your onions begin to turn yellow and start growing smaller, pull them out of the ground. Make sure you remove any weeds as they could damage your bulbs while harvesting is in progress.

Week 8: Place them in a cool dry place such as a room or a shed so that they can be protected until the time of selling.

Week 9: When you are ready to sell your onions, take them out of their storage place and brush them with a clean cloth; any soft bulbs should be removed at this time.

Types Of Onions

There are different types of Onions in Nigeria some of them are: bulb Onion, white(light) onion and spring onion

Bulb Onion

The bulb onion is the most common type of onions we have in Nigeria. They come in different sizes and colors, be it white or red neither matters to us because we can use them both for various purposes.

Bulb onions are widely used for making stew; they are also good for flavoring meat, if you don’t believe me try frying a chicken and adding some bulb onions to it. You will be amazed at the taste of it.

Bulb onions are also good for seasoning fish, if you don’t believe me try frying your fish with some sliced or crushed bulb onions.

Spring Onions

These types of onions do not form any bulbs when matured; they just grow straight from soil. They similar to lettuce leaves, they can be eaten raw or boiled.

Spring onions are used for garnishing and flavoring many soups, stew, stews and etcetera.

White Onion

They are the small ones you see in your garden, they do not have any bulbs; they are very tasty when fried. White onions can be used for flavoring meat and fish just like the bulb onion.

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White onions are perfect for seasoning vegetables especially when using it with pepper or preparing soup.

Heavyions Vs Light Onions

Heavy are usually yellow in color with a dull or rough texture. This type of onions are usually sweeter than the light ones which are usually white in color with a smooth and shiny texture.

Heavyions Vs Light Onions

Onion is one of the things that add flavor to any dish eaten without it, food will taste much different. It goes without saying that every home should have it. You should stock up on it and you will be useful itOnion can be made into a very good juice, if you are not convinced to drink the juice of onion try using it as an additive when eating food like rice and stew, this way you will get used to its taste.

The only problem with onion is that if you don’t stock up on it and use it in time, it soon starts to grow mold. Onions can keep for several months but not more than a year. I suggest try growing your onions indoors so as to be sure of freshness every time.

If you are planning to treat yourself with some good quality Onion juice grind it and make a puree out of it then strain the puree through a nylon sieve. You can either use the juice directly or mix it with some water.

Best time to grow Onions

All types of onions can be grown in Nigeria, at different time ranges. However the best time to grow bulb onion is between December and February. This is because we get a lot of rain during this period so your onions will have good water supply which makes them grow very fast.

Whether you choose to grow white or red onion doesn’t matter; just choose the time that best suits you. You can grow any type of onion between February and June.

Things to consider before planting Onions

There are few things you need to know before planting onions in your garden:

Onion doesn’t like cold weather, so if you plant them during winter season (December – February) they would probably not grow well. Onions can be grown from seeds or transplants, the choice is yours but I do recommend that you use seedlings if you are new to planting onions in your garden. Onion doesn’t like direct sunlight so make sure they have enough shade when growing them. It would be better for you if you learn the art of wood making and make your own shade for your onions. You should have rich and well draining soil for the best growth of Onions.

I hope I gave you enough information about onions to help you make informed decision when planting them in your garden. Enjoy spraying your friends with their own juices..lolz

Benefits Of Onions

Onion is very good for you, here are some of the benefits it has:

1. It reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and helps to maintain blood pressure levels.

2. You can use onion as a natural antibiotic when treating wounds and preventing infections

3. For coughs and colds, crush an onion with water to create a steam to ease your breathing.

4. When onions are mixed with honey they can be used as a treatment for stomach ulcer

5. Eating onion often helps in boosting the immune system because it is rich in antioxidant

6. It aids digestion

7. In order to prevent cancer, drink a glass of water containing raw chopped onion daily

8. Its regular consumption prevents the growth of fungi in your body and keeps you healthy

9. Onions prevent the risk of heart attack

10. It helps to lower blood sugar levels so it is very good for diabetic people

11. Eating raw onion on a daily basis can help you gain some weight

12. It is beneficial for pregnant women because it reduces the risk of their babies developing respiratory problems

13. It helps in curing cough and colds

14. Red onions are very good for your eyesight because they can protect you against glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataract.

15. Onions stimulate the production of digestive juices in our stomach which help to break down food easily.

16. It is good for babies because it aids in the growth of their nails and hair

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17. Onions can get rid of acne and pimples on your skin and help you have a smooth complexion.

18. You can use onions to remove warts from hands, feet or any other part of your body

19. If you suffer from insomnia then just eat one raw onion before going to bed and the sleeping problems will disappear.

20. If you suffer from coughs, cold or flu, chew on a few slices of raw onion and it will ease your discomfort

21. Onions help prevent strokes and heart attacks because they contain high levels of Vitamin C.

22. They help boost your immune system because they are rich in antioxidants.

23. You can use onion to treat fungal infections because it has antifungal properties.

24. It can help cure blisters on your skin by applying raw onion juice on them regularly and cover with a bandage or clean cloth.

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Steps For Planting Onions in Containers or Pots

Start by mixing sand or compost into the soil so that it becomes loose and fluffy; arrange a grid of holes or rows in your pot according to the depth of the pot; fill with soil, plant onion seeds, cover lightly and water. When onions reach length of fifteen centimeters, pull them up carefully and hang them upside down for drying. After some days when they become dry enough (brownish colour with roots and stubs removed), they can be sown again in fresh soil.

Ways To Make Money With Onions

There are many ways to make money through oniomass. Onions are a great way to make money as they can be sold in the Grand Exchange or traded for other items.

The most common way to make money is through selling onions in the Grand Exchange, commonly known as GEing. Each bag of onions sells for 400-450 coins, depending on stock levels and demand. A lot of the time, you will get more than 400 coins per bag when selling them. Another way to make money is by buying onions low and selling high.

If there is a surge in demand for onions, they can go upwards of 500 coins each. There may be days where supply exceeds demand so prices may dip down to 350 coins or less.

Trading on the Grand Exchange is something that can be learned, but there are some excellent guides out there. I will link to them at the end of this post here and you can find other trading guides by searching google or youtube for “GE” as they also have many instructional videos on how to trade effectively.

Although these are the most common ways to make money with onions, there are other methods as well. You can run an onion farm which is more suited towards players that have some experience already and know how to use skills such as farming efficiently.

You can also buy low and sell high on single items/bars or even ores if you feel like taking a risking. You can also buy whole inventories of items and hope the price rises before you sell them. This is very risky though and not what I would recommend for new player.

There are even some people that use their skills to gather materials and craft nobles, which sell extremely well on the Grand Exchange due to their popularity with high level players.

One thing to remember is that you can never have too many onions, as they are in high demand and low supply. They are also very good for your Runescape Account’s Strength level which can help you train other skills such as woodcutting. If you’re looking for a fun way to make money on Runescape, runecrafting and/or woodcutting, onions may be the way to go.


If you’re looking for a business opportunity that is less risky than farming rice, onions are your best bet. With the right knowledge and resources, onion farmers can have success in Nigeria. However, it’s not easy to grow them from scratch so make sure you research before starting this venture. We hope we’ve helped answer any questions or concerns you may have about onion farming!

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